Advantages Of Electronic Medical Record(EMR)

For Patients

  • Improved Treatment & Diagnosis
  • Fewer Errors As Compared To Paper Medical Records
  • Better And Quicker Online Health Care
  • Identify Patients Require Screenings And Preventive Care
  • Better Patient Health With Better Data Security And Privacy
  • Support In Sound Data-Based Decisions
  • Stronger And Faster Overall Treatment On Right Direction
  • Access To Records, Prescriptions And Recommendations
  • Follow-up Support For Reminders, Weblinks & Suggestions

For Doctors

  • No Need To Store, Manage Paper Records
  • Optimize Workflows, Keep Track Of Patients
  • Customize And Scalable Patient Records
  • Communication For Reminders And Alerts
  • Reduced Documentation Errors & Improved Care
  • Prevent Conflicting Treatments
  • Better Coordination Between Patient / Staff
  • Track Messages Between Staff, Hospitals, Labs
  • Interface With Doctor, Med LAB, Pharmacy & Hospital

Features Of Nursing Services At PAK Medical Care

  • Video Calls: Nurses and healthcare professionals can conduct assessments, provide advice, and monitor patients via video calls.
  • Chat and Messaging: Secure messaging platforms for quick communication and follow-up questions.
  • Personalized Care Plans: Development of tailored care plans based on the patient’s medical history and current health needs.
  • Care Team Collaboration: Coordination between different healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care.
  • Remote Monitoring: Use of wearable devices and other technology to monitor vital signs (e.g., blood pressure, glucose levels) in real-time.
  • Health Tracking: Continuous tracking of health metrics and symptoms to detect any changes or complications early.
  • Scheduled Visits: Arranging in-person visits by nurses for tasks that cannot be performed virtually (e.g., wound care, injections).
  • Emergency Support: Rapid dispatch of healthcare professionals in case of urgent needs.
  • Training Sessions: Virtual sessions to educate patients and caregivers on specific care techniques and equipment use.
  • Physical Therapy: Online guidance for exercises and physical therapy sessions.
  • Occupational Therapy: Assistance with improving daily living skills and adapting home environments.
  • Counseling: Access to mental health support and counseling services.
  • Caregiver Support: Resources and support for family members or caregivers.

EMR Features

Exclusive Desgin for Pakistan

Life Time Free Membership

Life Time Free EMR & Web apps

Save All Paper Based Medical Record

Smooth Integration of Old Record

Compatibilty With Existing System

Accessible From Remote Areas

High Speed Internet Access

Integration Of Healthcare Services

Not For Profit Project